Category Archives: Mississauga


As spring weather sets in across the U.S and Canada, temperatures rise, snow and ice melt, and rainfall increases. This means that flood risks increase as well. Flood preparation is a top concern right now in many regions since heavy winter weather is beginning to subside and warmer temperatures are melting snow and ice pack….

Categories: Mississauga


The aftermath of flooding can be chaotic. Between assessing damages, cleaning belongings, contacting friends and family, insurance companies, and dealing with the stress of getting your life back to normal, it can be difficult to keep organized and find the proper support. One major question in the aftermath of a flood, of course, is who…

Categories: Mississauga


Floods are a possibility anywhere. Obviously, some regions are more at risk than others, and experience annual flooding where others may go decades without a flood. Coastal areas are especially susceptible to flooding and often require a distinct set of procedures for mitigating the potential damage of flood waters. Even inlands areas and dry desert…

Categories: Mississauga


The pipes in your home are critical to keep things running efficiently. Although winter has started to pass, we aren’t in the clear yet. Damage may still occur within your pipes if not properly taken care of. Know how to prevent damaged pipes, whether that is from freezing or other factors. This will save you…

Categories: Mississauga


Spring is coming fast and with that, flooding becomes more likely. Historically there have been some major flooding events over the years, which cause problems for residence. Be aware of these possible events, and take the appropriate action to protect your home. By being aware of the possibility, you can further protect your home from…

Categories: Mississauga


Disaster preparedness is well understood to be extremely important for individuals and business, but there is still a lot of apathy toward actually preparing for a serious natural disaster. With the worldwide occurrence of natural disasters it is simultaneously easy to think that a catastrophe can occur at any moment and that one will never…

Categories: Mississauga


Winter is harsh on plumbing. Working to prevent frozen pipes is always a primary concern during the cold, but sometimes this isn’t possible or for some reason fails to prevent pipes from bursting. The polar cold that has gripped the U.S and Canada over the past month has created conditions where frozen pipes may be…

Categories: Mississauga


Winter weather affects everything. Cold, freezing weather makes everything more difficult, requires more energy consumption at home, and can lead to problems around the house. Things like freezing pipes, ice dams, roof damage, and heating problems can all arise as a result of winter weather. Making every effort to protect your home and stay on…

Categories: Mississauga


Natural disasters occur around the world with enough annual frequency that we as a global community should be learning from our shortcomings and tragic experiences of the past. The unfortunate reality is that disaster preparation is often lacking in terms of both infrastructure preparedness and post disaster response. Obviously, there is no such thing as…

Categories: Mississauga


Floods can occur anywhere and certain geographical areas are more prone to flooding than others. Essentially, no area is completely immune to flooding. Floods can devastate entire communities, so it is important to first understand the risks and different flood scenarios that could affect you. From flood maps and flood insurance rates, preparing for flooding…

Categories: Mississauga

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