Monthly Archives: January 2021


Sometimes, you have to know when to call in the professionals. When you are looking at a basement full of water, waste, and debris – that may just be the point when you can reliably turn to your emergency services partner for help. At Al-Care, we pride ourselves on offering flooded basement drying to our…


As a homeowner, there are a number of things that will require your attention in order to ensure the safety of your loved ones and the protection of your property. If you ever find your basement knee-deep in water, you will quickly realize just how necessary your emergency preparation might be. Al-Care is more than…


Water is a powerful force. While we can admire its beauty and grandeur in nature, and appreciate the necessity for water in our everyday lives, water can also be devastating if improperly managed. We offer commercial water damage restoration in Hamilton, ON for just this scenario, as well as various other emergency services. Water Damage…


When disaster strikes, the immediate effects and demands of the situation are naturally going to take up 100% of the focus and energy. Emergency disaster restoration work in Hamilton, ON is a service we pride ourselves here at Al-Care. While it is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer destruction and damage from the event…

Our Disaster Recovery Services:
