Monthly Archives: October 2011


When building materials get water damaged how do we know it is safe and dry. Depending on the building materials, how much moisture they have retained is a must in understanding when drying is complete! If the material has been wet it must get back to a dry standard before it is considered dry. Some…

Categories: Mississauga


Water damage is not always the easiest to discover without a thorough inspection. Water always will find it’s level and could present damage in areas far from the original source. For example a slow pipe leak in a second storey bathroom may present as water damage in drywall in the ceiling below but at the…

Categories: Mississauga


We get more and more calls on whether someone has enough water damage from an incident on their property to pursue an insurance claim. In a climate where deductibles have climbed up to and past the costs of some small water damage incident costs, we need to make informed decisions on how to respond. First…

Categories: Mississauga


What is service? We all say we give great service in fire and flood damage cleanup, but what does this look like? There are small things we can see that will show as professional, in how customers are treated. When someone has flood damage to their residential or commercial property, how prepared were the responders?…

Categories: Mississauga

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